Congratulations, you’re pregnant! Pregnancy is an amazing time but can often be the most confusing when it comes to understanding how to be healthy. There is so much information available but I know that a lot of it contradicts itself; which can leave you feeling overwhelmed about how and what to do.

I’ve been there. As a mum of one myself I know how longed-for a baby can be and how let you can feel when your pregnancy doesn’t seem to be the easy, shiny journey it’s made out to be on social media. If this is you, then you’re in the right place.
During my Pregnancy package we sit down and look at your current symptoms, health goals and medical history to create a personalised, targeted and most importantly, realistic plan of action to finally help you to start feeling better and more like yourself again (but pregnant!)
What if you the easy pregnancy you’ve been dreaming of is really possible?

What is included:
- A comprehensive nutritional lifestyle intake paperwork and assessment
- 3x 1:1 90m sessions (usually 4 weeks apart)
- Personalised accountability and coaching support you during the early stages of pregnancy and manage uncomfortable symptoms.
- 1x additional monthly check in plus weekly access to me virtual support with me via practice management software.
- Personalised monthly energetic check ins using tarot, crystals and moon phases to support whole body health.
- Written Health Optimisation Plans emailed to you after each session which includes all the sessional information (you never need to make notes on your calls)
- Access to exclusive handouts and written materials only available to 1:1 clients
- Supplement review and protocols – where appropriate
- Testing support – where appropriate
- 10% discount on any recommended supplements
- GP collaboration and support
Investment: £750
I know it can feel overwhelming to think about making changes when you’re still adjusting to life with baby on board; so let me do the hard work for you and guide you every step of the way. I will give you the tools and accountability to proactively manage your (and baby’s) health and make your pregnancy the healthiest it can be.
Client Testimonial
“Thank you so much, I found our session really helpful and gave me confidence in what I should be doing.” – C, 2022
Let’s chat…
If you’re thinking about working with me my initial 15 minute consultations are free. Why not book in for a chat and we can find out if this targeted support would be right for you.